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How to deal with dry and itchy skin

Reduced moisture in the skin can cause dry and itchy skin, peeling, cracking, and even bleeding. The causes can vary, ranging from the use of soap that is not suitable, clothing materials that can make itching, do not routinely use a moisturizer, until too long soaking in hot water. Normal and healthy skin is coated with a layer of fat, feels moist, and also supple. When experiencing dryness, the skin becomes more sensitive and susceptible to the appearance of rashes and damage.

Handling of Dry and Itchy Skin

There are several ways to deal with dry and itchy skin, including:
  • Routinely use a moisturizer

  • If you have dry and itchy skin, don't forget to always use a moisturizer immediately after bathing, washing your face, or washing your hands. Moisturizers such as creams and lotions, aim to trap the moisture in your skin so that it does not easily disappear. Choose a moisturizer that is mild and does not contain irritating substances, such as perfume and coloring, to avoid irritation to dry skin.
  • Relieve itching with ice packs or ice water

  • If itching is getting annoying, you can cover dry and itchy skin with a wet bandage or with a cold cloth so that we don't try to scratch the itchy skin.
  • Careful in choosing bath soap products

  • Bath soaps that contain deodorants and deodorizers, generally contain ingredients that can remove moisture from the skin, causing dry and itchy skin. Therefore, you are advised to be careful in choosing soap products. Choose mild, non-perfumed bath soaps or labeled "hypoallergenic" or for sensitive skin. Because some people often experience dry and itchy skin when in contact with certain fragrances and dyes, which can be found in detergents, soap, and various skin care products. Also, don't bathe too often and limit it to 10 to 15 minutes each time you take a shower. Try to use cold or warm water. Because the use of water that is too hot and too often bathing can erode the moisture that is on your skin
  • Use a humidifier

  • Frequent activities in the room with the AC on can cause dry skin. Using a humidifier in the room, can help moisturize the air, so it does not cause dry skin. In addition, this tool can also help overcome skin allergies.
  • Avoid cigarettes

  • Not only affects the health of internal organs, smoking can also cause dry and rough skin. This is because smoking can cause blood flow to the skin to be less smooth. Exposure to cigarette smoke can also aggravate the symptoms of eczema so that it is more prone to dry and itchy skin.
  • Keep clean

  • Itchy and dry skin is often caused by a dirty environment. The amount of dust and small insects, such as mites, in a dirty environment can be one of the causes of dry and itchy skin. Therefore, to overcome this, it is not only necessary to maintain bodily hygiene, but also to maintain the cleanliness of the living environment.
The condition of dry and itchy skin cannot be considered trivial. When you feel itchy, you are strongly advised not to scratch it, because scratching can cause the skin to become injured and infected. If dry and itchy skin are caused by allergies, it is important to identify what causes these allergies and avoid them as much as possible. For dry and itchy skin that is heavy and disrupts activity, anti-itch medications will be needed, such as antihistamines and antigatal ointments that contain menthol or calamine. Certain medications, such as corticosteroids, should be used in a doctor's supervision. If your dry and itchy skin does not improve in two weeks, or the skin becomes infected which is marked by redness, swelling, and suppuration, then immediately consult a dermatologist to get proper treatment.
